Sunday, May 17, 2009

The Keystone State

We have officially said farewell to Utah and fully embraced Pennsylvania as our home for now. After a graduation celebration with family we embarked on the longest drive across America. Just for the record...most of the midwest honestly should not exist!

On a 32 hour drive across Wyoming, Nebraska, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio and finally are a few of the things you might see:

Long, straight roads that never end with nothing around.

A million windmills.

Weird billboards.

Even weirdER billboards.

Car accidents that create stupid traffic.

Cool bridges.

Cooler tunnels.

Beautiful sunsets.

Tommy's 24-hr diner with giant rooster.

It all led us to -

Bobby is working his hiney off; he is the hottest sales rep out there! He is doing great and is such a hard worker. As for me, I am loving my free time! I have been spending hours cooking, baking, reading, exploring and definitely relaxing. For the first time our laundry is caught up, dishes done and we just might have the cleanest bathroom on the block!


megan said...

haha bed wetting?!

JaMie said...

You for sure have us beat with the cleanest bathroom on the block!!